KnowRISK (Know your city, Reduce seISmic risK through non-structural elements) is a EU Project that tries to facilitate local communities access to expert knowledge on non-structural seismic risk protection solutions. Scientific knowledge is turned into practical knowledge to be used by citizen and to  engage communities in disaster risk reduction.

Non-structural elements of  buildings  are their architectural parts (i.e. partitions, ceilings, cladding), electrical and mechanic systems (i.e. distribution panels, piping, plumbing), and contents (e.g., furniture, book cases, computers and desktop equipment). Their damage can limit access to escape routes, cause injuries and even death.  They have a significant impact on resilience since up to 70%-85% of construction cost goes into these elements.

A Portfolio of good practices for most common and serious non-structural vulnerabilities will be the result of research concerning physical conditions that might cause non-structural damage and societal expectations and needs on risk reduction.

Society is a major issue in this project. We will engage public (i.e. building construction sector, civil protection organizations, schools, households and citizens) into risk communication.

New user-friendly risk maps and seismic scenarios will be available, for the pilot areas of Portugal, Italy and Iceland. Augmented Reality tools, videos, animations and students engagements will be part of the communication actions.

The Portfolio, translated into a Practical Guide  will address citizens to promote reduction in life loss, injury and damage.

KnowRISK ran from 1 January 2016 until 31 December 2017.


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